EPS were asked by a customer in China to design a bespoke fulling system to fit 4 ships that were already design and manufactured, with limited access and available space for the fueling system EPS's team of designers and engineers came up with a system to suit the customers requirements. The system comprises of 3 skid systems, a pump skid, a filter skid and a dispensing skid.
The pump and filter skids had to be located below deck and only had access through door hatches with a limited space of approximately 1200mm (w) x 750mm (d) x 2000mm (h) so EPS came up with a two skid system that can fit the access hatches and be bolted together with ease to form one complete skid when reassembled below deck.
The dispensing skid will be located in the ships hanger, with space restrictions at 1700mm (w) x 500mm (d) x 2500mm (h) the Hose reel was the biggest concern, using the normal drum type hose reel we would not be able to fall inline with the ships spacial restrictions. EPS's designers then came up with the idea of using a airport fuelling dispenser reel, allowing us to fit all the components inside the space restrictions.
To talk to us about China Offshore Refuelling Systems 3 & 4